Conservation Film


I’ve loved being part of the American Conservation Film Festival as a board member, Past-President, and now Selector. I’m inspired every year by the stories filmmakers tell and, in some cases, have written about selected films to inspire others. I’ve listed some of those articles below.

Saving ourselves by saving the past.  Fluent Magazine.  Fall 2016. p. 21-23.

Screening for the Future.  Fluent Magazine.  Fall 2015 p. 32.

Unlocking the mystery of mysteries in “Islands of Creation.”   The Observer of Jefferson County.  October 2015.

A dam shame. The Observer of Jefferson County.  October 2014.

The dance between conservation and art.  Fluent Magazine.  Fall 2014. p. 32.

Slo-Mo:  Cultivating contemplation through film.  Fluent Magazine. October/November 2013. p.23- 25.

Dispelling myths, one film at a time. The Observer. November 2012.

Film Fix:  An an antidote for what ails us.  Fluent Magazine.  Sep-Oct 2012. p. 12.